Thursday, March 31, 2016

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of cancer. 

 Around 44,500 people are diagnosed with the condition every year in the UK.
There are usually no signs or symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer, but many people with the condition eventually develop symptoms including:
  • a persistent cough
  • coughing up blood
  • persistent breathlessness
  • unexplained tiredness and weight loss
  • an ache or pain when breathing or coughing
You should see your GP if you have these symptoms.
Read more about the symptoms of lung cancer.

Testicular Cancer

What is testicular cancer?

Cancer starts when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer, and can spread to other areas of the body. To learn more about how cancers start and spread, see What Is Cancer?
Testicular cancer can start in one or both testicles. It is most often found in young men but can occur at any age.

The testicles

The testicles (or testes) are part of the male reproductive system. In adult men, each one is normally a little smaller than a golf ball. They are held in a sac of skin called the scrotum. The scrotum hangs beneath the base of the penis.
The testicles have 2 main functions:
  • They make the male hormones such as testosterone.
  • They make sperm, the male cells that combine with a female egg cell to start a pregnancy.
Testicles are made of several kinds of cells, each of which can develop into one or more types of testicular cancer. Each type of cancer is treated differently, so it is important to know which kind you have.

Breast Cancer

Breast lumps in general

The first symptom of breast cancer for many women is a lump in their breast. But many women have breast lumps and 9 out of 10 (90%) are benign. That means they are not cancers.
Most benign breast lumps are
  • Areas of normal lumpiness that is more obvious just before a period
  • Cysts – sacs of fluid in the breast tissue, which are quite common
  • Fibroadenoma – a collection of fibrous glandular tissue (these are common in younger women, for example under 30)

Breast symptoms to look out for

Changes that could be due to a breast cancer are
  • A lump or thickening in an area of the breast
  • A change in the size, shape or feel of a breast
  • Dimpling of the skin
  • A change in the shape of your nipple, particularly if it turns in, sinks into the breast, or has an irregular shape
  • A blood stained discharge from the nipple
  • A rash on a nipple or surrounding area
  • A swelling or lump in your armpit

Stomach Cancer


  1. Stomach cancer occurs when cancerous cells form in the stomach lining.
  2. This type of cancer usually doesn’t cause symptoms until the later stages, so it’s often not diagnosed until it’s more advanced.
  3. While difficult to detect, treatment for stomach cancer is possible through chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.
Stomach cancer is characterized by a growth of cancerous cells within the lining of the stomach. Also called gastric cancer, this type of cancer is difficult to diagnose because most people typically don’t show symptoms in the earlier stages.
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), there will be approximately 24,590 new cases of stomach cancer in 2015. The NCI estimates that stomach cancer makes up only 1.5 percent of new cancer cases in the United States. While stomach cancer is relatively rare compared to other types of cancer, one of the biggest dangers of stomach cancer is the difficulty of diagnosing it. Since stomach cancer usually doesn’t cause any early symptoms, it often goes undiagnosed until after it spreads to other parts of the body, making it more difficult to treat.
Though stomach cancer can be hard to diagnose and treat, it’s important to get the knowledge you need to beat the disease.

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

This article will highlight some common thyroid cancer signs and symptoms as well as thyroid cancer prognosis and treatments.Visit our thyroid cancer Patients' Guide to Thyroid Cancer for complete information on thyroid cancer types, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Liver Cancer

Explore this section to learn more about liver cancer, including a description of the disease and how it's diagnosed.

  • Why is the liver important?
  • What is liver cancer?
  • What causes liver cancer?
  • What are the symptoms of liver cancer?
  • How is liver cancer diagnosed?
  • How is liver cancer treated?
  • What is the outlook for patients with liver cancer?
  • What is the best way to reduce the risk of liver cancer?
  • Related Terms

Why is the liver important?

The liver is the second most important organ in your body and is located under your rib cage on the right side. It weighs about three pounds and is shaped like a football that is flat on one side.